Give your business a professional look with email @ your domain name.
Spam & Virus Protection
Spam & Virus Protection
Our premium filtering keeps your inbox virtually free of spam and viruses.
Secure & Private Email
Secure & Private Email
We will never read, sell, or scan your email content for advertising purposes.
End-User Training
End-User Training
Our email training educates staff on proper email protocol to avoid potential threats.

Layered Email Defense

At RDI, we engineer, update, and continually improve our in-house hosted email services for secure business that reduces IT headaches. Our approach uses a layered defense to stop spam, phishing, and malicious emails before they reach your staff – this reduces the possibility of malware, viruses, BEC attacks, or ransomware compromising your network security and integrity. In addition to a secure, managed email platform, we offer information and training to educate your staff on proper email protocols and procedures to avoid potential threats.

Effortless Email On-The-Go

Business never stops and email has to be accessible from anywhere and at any time. With RDI email, you can enjoy access on practically any mobile phone or tablet. With RDI, you’ll also get mobile sync to keep your email, calendars, and contacts always synchronized with webmail access on your iOS, Android, or Windows device.

Reach Out To Us Today To Build Your Email Package Today!

The Email You Deserve

Choosing the right email hosting package can have a large impact on the way you do business. After all, you rely on your business email account to help you accomplish so many things. That's why it's important to find an email service that offers you the features you need - like plenty of storage, spam and virus protection, webmail, and even document sharing. With RDI mail, you'll have an email address that matches your domain name, giving you instant credibility.

Not sure what to choose? We can help by listening to your business needs and recommending the best service to meet your budget; you'll receive a professional email at a price your business deserves.

Advanced Protection
Advanced Protection
Protection from Spam, Malware, Phishing, BEC, Spoofing, malicious attachments and URL's, and more.
Advanced Spam Filter
Advanced Spam Filter
Machine learning technology, 99%+ catch rate, content filters, and granular admin controls.
Email Continuity
Email Continuity
Protection from Spam, Malware, and Phishing is integral to your business continuity; we provide zero-downtime email continuity.
Email Archiving
Email Archiving
Easy Search and eDiscovery, Tamper-Proof, offsite storage, and full-content indexing for up to 10 years.

RDI Keeps You Ahead of Threats

With a large number of vulnerabilities starting with a targeted email attack, you need to protect your users, data, and assets. Email-borne data theft, malware, spam, and phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated. They lead to business disruptions as well as a loss of trust and reputation.

As a cloud-based security service, RDI offers additional add-on security/filtering protection for Office 365, which is scalable and flexible enough to process mail for small businesses, large enterprises, or governments’ accounts. With this cloud infrastructure, security scales to the needs of your business and handles email surges all the while keeping email-based threats from ever reaching your network.

Key Features

Managed Email Programs

Managed Email Programs

Affordable Hosting Package Options

Affordable Hosting Package Options

In-House Exchange

In-House Exchange

Spam Filtering

Spam Filtering

Virus Protection

Virus Protection

Secure & Private Email

Secure & Private Email

Comprehensive End-User Training

Comprehensive End-User Training

Email Continuity

Email Continuity

Reach Out To Us Today To Build Your Email Package Today!

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